The Church is committed to creating safe spaces where people can be confident that they will be cared for, nurtured and encouraged as they grow and at the same time, protected from spiritual, physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
As part of this commitment, staff and volunteers are required to sign and abide by this Code of Conduct
uphold, support and abide by the Safe Church Policy;
respond to reasonable directions from the person with responsibility for the ministry I am involved in;
communicate with integrity, including wise and accountable use of electronic communication, including in accordance with Guidelines for Activities with Children and Young People
not knowingly make false, misleading, or deceptive statements;
not engage in bullying, harassment, emotional abuse, spiritual abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, of any person including my own family;
not act violently or intentionally provoke violence;
upholding confidentiality; not disclosing any confidential information without the consent of the person providing the information (the exception being where there is a legal obligation);
report concerns about misconduct and/or abuse according to the Church’s Safe Church Policy and relevant procedures;
disclose all relevant information as part of completing the Screening Check Questionnaire if I have not already done so;
disclose to the Church Leadership if I am investigated for any criminal offences or have any knowledge of serious unlawful activity within the church context.
Express my sexuality in healthy and God-directed ways.
act with financial integrity, including:
having accountable and transparent systems in place for financial matters.
not seeking personal advantage or financial gain from our position (other than in wages, recognised allowances and deductions).
not take or use property belonging to others without express consent, including intellectual property (copyright);
not use any prohibited substance and be responsible in my use of substances that may be addictive (eg. prescriptions, alcohol);
avoid ongoing counselling of people with whom I have pastoral relationships; and
make alternative arrangements for pastoral ministry for any person with whom I may develop a romantic or intimate relationship.